Since 1996, Cecile Charpentier has been engaged in the conservation of works of art. Specializing in the restoration and preservation of the paint layer, she is attributed museum commissions from public institutions, private collectors, art dealers and experts.
Since 1998, she has compiled a great number of detailed condition reports. As a consultant, she makes diagnoses before auctions or sales and conducts historical research on works and artists.
Since 2010, she is also supervisor on certain restoration sites, project manager and omanages the restoration teams.
1994 : Master II, Sciences and Techniques (MST) in the conservation of cultural property.
Specialty: restoration of easel paintings, University of Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne,
accredited to work on the collections of the Museums of France.
Master's thesis entitled « Contemporary Restoration: questions on previous interventions - ethical, aesthetic and technical - with respect to the paint layer of period easel paintings ».
1987 : Bachelor in Museology from École du Louvre and undergraduate degree from the same school.
Studied drawing, painting and restoration at the Ateliers des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris.
Audited courses in fine arts at the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts and the École des Arts Décoratifs in Paris.
Perfectly bilingual French-English, German (spoken), some Italian
Preliminary study for the restoration of « The Artist's Studio » by Gustave Courbet, 1854-55, oil on canvas, 3,61 m x 5,98 m.
Restoration of paintings by Louis Chaix, 1744-1811. Mandated with the restoration of the mural paintings of the entrance hall ceiling (50 m2), the library and its ceiling, the walls of the main staircase.
Subcontractor with Mériguet-Carrère Atelier.
Conservation 19 impressionist paintings for the « Eblouissants reflets » exhibit, from the 29th of April to the 30th of September 2013.
Restoration of the paint layer of two William Bouguereau (1825-1905) paintings, Love and Fortune.
Hôtel de Bourbon Condé, Paris.
Restoration of maroufled paintings, one of which is attributed to Jean-Simon Berthélémy - 1743-1811
Mandated with the restoration of paintings lot.
Collaboration with Mériguet-Carrère Atelier.
Molière Theater, City of Sète
In charge of the restoration of the maroufled paintings dating from the 19th century.
Subcontractor with Mériguet-Carrère Atelier.
Church of Saint-Sulpice,
Preliminary study, consolidation and cleaning tests, for the restoration of Eugène Delacroix mural paintings in the chapel of the Holy Angels
City Hall of the 15th arrondissement of Paris
Project manager of the restoration and conservation of the painted décor by Henri Rapin and Octave Guillonnet in the conference room (Salle des fêtes).
Collaboration with Luc Joudinaud, Architect specialized in Heritage Conservation.
City Hall, Project manager of the conservation and restoration of the paintings dating from the 19th century (ceiling paintings, tapisteries, wall apintings and paintings on leather).
Collaboration with Guillaume Bénard-Tertrais, restorer, and Ar-Tek, architects.
Church of Saint Vincent-de-Paul
Restoration of a mural made of tiles of enameled lava by Pierre-Jules Jollivet. Décor representing scenes from the Old and New Testament, dating from the 19th century.
City Hall of the 12th arrondissement of Paris
Preliminary study and research of the paintings, 7 compositions painted by Louis-Jean Beaupuy and R. Durieux (1931) maroufled in the Salon des Outre-Mers.
Church of Saint-Martin-de-Chevreuse, Chevreuse.
Research and preliminary study of the paintings by Charles Fredy de Coubertin, (1822-1908).
Restoration of the paint layer of the portrait of George Washington, copy made by Gilbert Stuart, (1755-1828), oil on canvas.
Restoration of paintings for the « Une ville pour l'impressionnisme: Monet, Pissarro et Gauguin à Rouen » exhibit, June-September 2010.
Collaboration with Régina Da Costa Pinto Dias Moreira, restorer.
Church of Saint-Nicolas des Champs
Preliminary study on the paintings in the choir.
Restoration of the paint layer of Friendship by William Bouguereau,(1825-1905).
Restoration of the paint layers of works for the exhibition : « Maurice Denis, Enfances » from March 13 to June 7, 2009.
Restoration of the paint layer of paintings for the exhibition « Albert-Guillaume Démarest (1848-1908), La morosité délectable », from March 2 to May 13, 2007.
Restoration of the stage curtain painted by Gérard Garouste, co-contractor in a team of 6 restorers. Mandated with the restoration: Guillaume Bénard-Tertrais.
Churh of Notre-Dame de Lorette
Preliminary study for the restoration of wall paintings in the choir, mandated for the co-contracted restoration site; maroufled paintings by Drolling; with the mapping of alterations and photographic documentation.
Notre-Dame des Victoires, Basilica
Study and research prior to the restoration of the seven paintings in the choir: Cycle de la vie de Saint Augustin painted by Carle Van Loo, (1705-1765).
Church of Saint-Sulpice
Tests for reaffixing and cleaning before the restoration of the wall paintings of Eugene Delacroix in the Chapel of the Holy Angels.
For all interventions: photographing the works in various stages of restoration, preparing restoration reports, describing the procedures and techniques used.
Awarded the bid for a co-contracted restoration of the paint layer and the support of six easel paintings in large formats from the 17th and 18th centuries, including a major painting by Philippe de Champaigne, L'Annonciation.
On-site emergency request for reaffixing and restoring the paint layer of three easel paintings for the exhibition: Oil Painting Exibition of European Masters in the 16th-18th Century.
Granted a tender for a co-contracted restoration of the paint layers and the supports of two easel paintings in large formats, 17th and 18th centuries.
Restoration and restitution of the decor of the hall opened in 1865, adorned with balustrades and colonnades, and sporting a ceiling by Adrien Fleuret, as well as a group of paintings. This decor was listed in 1981 in the supplementary inventory of historic monuments. Co-contracted with a team of curators.
Co-contracted with the conservation and preservation of the collection with condition reports for the transfer and replacement of paintings to be exhibited in the museum.
Restoration of the paint layer: Michele Pagano, 18th-century Italian school, oil on canvas: Paysage avec rencontre galante près d'une fabrique, oil on canvas.
Saint-Louis d'Antin Church
Co-contracted restoration of a cycle of murals over a 9-month period.
Sainte-Elisabeth Church
Co-contracted restoration of mural paintings in the apse over a 6-month period.
Saint-Augustin Church
Study and cleaning tests on the paintings of the dome and removal of a large canvas: Abraham, 19th-century French School; work undertaken with Guillaume Bénard-Tertrais (support restorer) aided by alpinist climbers.
For all these interventions: photographing the various stages of restoration and preparing restoration reports, describing the procedures and techniques used.
Saint-Leu & Saint-Gilles Church, France
Restoration of a painting: Le repos pendant la fuite en Égypte, oil on canvas, 17th century.
Saint-Eustache Church
restoration of a painting: Saint-Louis, after Lebrun, oil on canvas, 1834.
Participation in the pictorial reintegration of murals (Cinzia Pasquali and Véronique Stedman, responsible for the site) : Charles Lebrun, décoration of the Pavillon de l'Aurore.
Restoration of the paint layer of an 18th-century painting (in charge, Edward Dechelette, Atelier Adro): Gabriel Blanchard, Saint-André tressaillant de joie à la vue de son supplice.
Restoration of three paintings for an exhibition held in 1996 in Clermont-Ferrand, entitled: Le retour de l'enfant prodigue.
Restoration of easel paintings for two exhibitions in Paris: Les majestés du Cantal in 1992, and La légende dorée du Limousin in 1993.
Remunerated internship in the conservation of paintings under the direction of Sarah Walden in a studio in London, then in the Abbey.
from 1986 to 1996, restoration of paintings under the direction of Bruno Tilmant d'Auxy, in studios in Paris and, for large paintings, in situ in monuments and churches.
Restoration of the paint layer of works commissioned by institutions, collectors, experts and art dealers.
See examples in the section: Restoration of easel paintings
Participation in research on radiographs of paintings in the Picasso Museum during a four-month course at the research laboratory of the Museums of France.
In the restoration department at Versailles (within the framework of the Ecole du Louvre), two-month internship: documentation on the restoration of paintings in progress.
Internship for the restoration of ceramics during the digs of the Cour Napoleon at the Louvre.
Bilingual speaker for various institutions: the Louvre Museum, Manufacture Nationale des Gobelins and the Conde Museum at Chantilly.
Documentary research for two books: Ruth Butler, Rodin, The Shape of Genius and June Hargrove, The Statues of Paris.