Sub-contracted restoration carried out in collaboration with the Meriguet-Carrère Atelier.
Cecile Charpentier led a team of 16 restorers, for the restoration of mythological themed paintings of the Château Borély in the city of Marseille.
In honour of Marseille's nomination as the European Capital of Culture for 2013, the Château Borély was converted into the Museum of Decorative Arts and Fashion (Musée des Arts Décoratifs). Cécile Charpentier and her team restored the mural painting on the ceiling of the main entrance hall, measuring 50m2, the mural painting on the ceiling of the library, the mural painting on the ceiling of Louis de Borély's room as well as the monochromatic mural grisailles located in the main staircase.
Main entrance hall ceiling mural restored (50 m2)
The ceiling is an oil-based mural, painted by Louis Chaix in 1778. It represents a mythological scene. The artist was sent to Rome by the Borély family in order to study and copy the Italian masters.
For this mural, Louis Chaix was inspired by Aurora a ceiling decoration painted by Guido Reni (1575-1642) in 1616 in Palazzo Pallavicini-Rospigliosi, Rome. It represents Apollo on his chariot preceded by Dawn (Aurora) bringing light into the world. Louis Chaix represented these allegorical figures with a nuanced palette and rich impasto.
According to the preliminary study carried out in 2011, this masterpiece was restored numerous times. The most recent intervention was in 1963, by Jean Bourguoin.
Some parts of the painting were found in better conservation state than others. In fact, we can distinguish three sections: the top right paint layer (representing Aurora) was completely lost. The center was in relatively good state of conservation, and the leftmost section was completely overpainted.
The surface was darkened by dust and grime and the paint layer had numerous blisters and cracks in many areas. Due to numerous water infiltrations over the years, saline efflorescences were also observed.
Prior to our intervention, this zone was largely reconstructed during a previous restoration. The original composition by Louis Chaix was greatly modified.
Once we eliminated the overpainted reconstruction, we found little traces of the original paint layer. With these fragments, we were able to piece together these remnants and reconstitute the original composition.
Certain areas of the paint layer had blisters and were covered by altered overpaints. However, Apollo's chariot, the surrounding figures, the horse as well as the allegorical characters of Bacchus and Pan were in a relatively good state of conservation. The lower bottom corner, representing the group of Titans was the most well preserved area; they are emerging from the clouds.
1. Original paint layer after removal of the overpaint.
2. Cracks and cleaning tests on the chariot.
The original representation of Aurora in the top right corner was completely lost after this zone collapsed. The figure was reconstructed in 1963, by the restorer Jean Bourguoin, who painted a woman in the sky draped in blue on plasterboards. Cecile Charpentier and her team reconstructed a version of Aurora that is closer to the original by using a photograph taken in 1940.
1. Bourguoin's Aurora. 2. Preparatory drawing of the Aurora.
3. Reconstruction in progress. 4. Aurora reconstructed.
1. The group of cherubs was greatly altered by saline efflorescence's.
2. Restoration in progress.
Murals of the main entrace hall, before and after restoration.
The day before the inauguration of the Museum.
Chandelier designed by Mathieu Lehanneur.
Click here to watch the movie on vimeo.
Project Manager : Atelier Mériguet-Carrère
Sub-contractor : Cécile Charpentier
Contracting firm : Ville de Marseille (DCRE-SEECO)
Supervisor : François Botton (ACMH)
Curator of the Museum of Decorative Arts: Christine Germain-Donnat.
Cécile charpentier, Guillaume Bénard-Tertrais, Laurent Blaise, Adriana Blendea, Claire Brochu, Jean-Sylvain Brochu, Christian Chatelier, Catherine Huisse, Carole Husson, Camille Isambert, Nathalie Levy, Sylvie Ozenne, Jean de Seynes, Aurélie Terral-Dreano, Laure van Ysendyck.
and Nadia di Pascali and Gianni Pagliaccia for the murals.
Musée des arts décoratifs, de la faïence et de la mode
134 avenue Clot Bey - Château Borély - Parc Borély - 13008 Marseille / Phone +33 (4) 91 62 21 82