Oil on canvas, 260 cm x 210 cm
Before and after restoration
The painting had been restored in the past during which it had been cleaned and the tears in the canvas had been consolidated by placing pieces of cloth on the back (4 small pieces and 2 large pieces).
The damage was then repaired with mastic and overpainted.
Two large areas of lacunae were noticeable.
Also previously restored: on the face, head, neck and hair of the archangel, and another on the thigh.
In addition, there were a few indentations as well as holes.
These accidents had been covered over with a viscous coating of mastic that had darkening areas of the surface.
The paint layer was very dusty and dirty, and the varnish completely oxidized.
The frame had made marks on paint layer.
Flaking and blistering of the paint surface was visible along these marks and portions had been overpainted without the use of mastic in these same areas.
A network of craquelures was apparent and a vertical seam was visible in the front of the work.
Notre-Dame du Port, Clermont-Ferrand. Oil on canvas, 191 cm x 128 cm
Before and after restoration.
The head of the soldier before and after pictorial reintegration.